Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Three months and Pregnant

I needed another migraine prescription because mine was out. I thought I should go see on OBGYN kill two birds with one stone since Gary and I hope we would get pregnant soon. I was a few days late when it came time for my appointment. Dr Deale, who delivered my two nephews, was great. When I told him I was late he jokingly said "Congrats!" He offered to do an ultrasound but when he did he said, well there is a dot, but that could be anything. Take a test on Monday and call me. (He was very kind and did not charge us for the ultrasound). That following Monday, Gary and I needed to go grocery shopping. I ran into clicks (like CVS) and bought two pregnancy test. After shopping I asked Gary if he wanted me to take one of the tests now? He went into the Musica  at the mall while I stopped into the restroom. The test came out positive! We were super excited, but Gary said when we get home take the other test. I took it and there was no question about it It said pregnant. I was so excited. It was 11 am and I could not wait until 2 to be able to call my parents. I knew Gretchen would be up so I called her. When it came time for me to call mom and dad, mom answered I asked her  if dad was awake, she said no, so I told her to wake him up and get on Skype. She knew something was up:)

So Gary and I have been married three months and One month before our First Anniversary we will, Lord willing, have our first child. God is so great and I know that he has blessed us and I hope and pray that our baby is healthy. She/He has not made momma to sick yet. I have my moments but nothing like I have seen other pregnant women deal with!

Thank you Lord for this new Life.


  1. SO SUPER EXCITED RUTH and GARY! many congrats!!!! this is great news! don't worry about lack of "symptoms" yet. {most} women don't get nauseated until like week 8.... of course the profound fatigue may hit sooner... but really-- many have no symptoms for a few weeks, as the hormones build up. :)

    love to you 3 :)

  2. You didn't mention that when you texted me it was before 6 AM! ;)

    Congrats! We are up to $11.50 in the South Africa fund. Ha!

